December 31, 2019 / by admin

Uckfield Business Award Finalists!

Wow! What a night we had at the Uckfield Business Awards. We were so excited to be named a finalist in this…

December 31, 2019 / by admin

Nutley Primary School Football Kit

With roots in Nutley for over 30 years we are proud to have been approached to sponsor the Nutley Primary School football…

December 31, 2019 / by admin

Crazy Jeans Soapbox Race

After a fabulous day in June 2019, albeit rather wet, we managed to raise an amazing £1,080.00. It was so much fun! SEE OUR…

December 27, 2019 / by admin

Garath’s Abseiling Challenge!

Gareth raised vital funds for Chestnut Tree House, the children’s hospice for Sussex and South East Hampshire. FIND OUT MORE HERE

December 27, 2019 / by admin

Newick RFC Kicks Cancer Into Touch

Cancer is happening right now, it effects all of us in some way and Newick RFC want to take a stand. In…

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